At Conexpo 2023, Deutz will showcase its latest advanced drive technology. The TSG 7.8 h2 is a 6-cylinder hydrogen engine based on an existing design with 220 kW of power with zero carbon emissions and low noise emissions. This engine can be used in all modern Deutz vehicles as well as in the road segments. It was originally tested in a generator for power generation and is now being tested as part of the HyCET project on an 18-ton truck, and full-scale production of the engine is expected to begin shortly.
At the U.S. event, attendees will be able to see a presentation of the new 3.9-liter TCD engine, created in partnership with John Deere power systems. This engine has a potential output of up to 130 kW and is ideally suited for all industrial applications. What's more, it has been designed with an advanced drive architecture that allows the use of lower-emission alternatives such as gas and hydrogen fuel sources.
At Conexpo, Deutz will present its TCD 5.2 engine. This powerful engine has six cylinders with an efficiency of four, delivering up to 170 kW and 950 nm of torque for a wide range of industrial applications. It is hvos approved and complies with EU stage v, tier 4f us and cn4 china, the world's most stringent emissions standards. The engine will be available for purchase as early as the third quarter of 2023. In addition, visitors will be able to see the successful TCD 2.9 four-cylinder engine (30-75 kW) running on liquefied gas at Conexpo’23.